Skype customer service phone nunber
Skype customer service phone nunber

Once you are on the customer service page, you'll have to indicate the issue via an interactive menu. If you are having issues with your Skype service, you'll need to connect with customer service either through the app or Skype's website. Skype does not provide phone-based customer support. Requests for help with a hijacked or hacked accountīest Practices for Calling Skype Customer Service.People contact Skype customer support for a range of reasons, including: Why Do People Call Skype Customer Support? Only Skype for Business accounts have the option of calling Skype customer support. While it is one of the earliest and best-known video calling applications, Skype does not, in fact, offer phone-based customer support for its consumer service. Skype is a Microsoft-owned app that provides video calling services to customers around the world.

Skype customer service phone nunber